
올레오칸탈, 올레아신, 올러유러핀 및 올리브오일에 함유된 다른 페놀 항산화성분이 다량 포함된 것을 보증하기 위해 고티스 이스테이트 올리브오일의 포함된 100가지 이상의 요소들과 화학적 성분들을 분석하였다. 고티스 이스테이트 엑스트라 버진 올리브오일 시리즈의 톡 쏘는 맛은 소비자들에게 불쾌감을 줄 정도로 과하지 않고 그 강도가 적당하며 건강에도 유익함을 준다.

Packaging influences on olive oil quality

Click on the fullscreen button to read the book in full-screen mode https://olivecenter.ucdavis.edu/media/files/PackagingInfluencesonOliveOilQuality.pdf

Chronic Diseases Caused by Chronic Inflammation Require Chronic Treatment: Anti-inflammatory Role...

Click on the fullscreen button to read the book in full-screen mode Source

Packaging and Storage of Olive Oil

Click on the fullscreen button to read the book in full-screen mode https://www.researchgate.net/publication/285822633_Packaging_and_Storage_of_Olive_Oil  

Ancient medical texts: a valuable source of knowledge for drug discovery

Click on the fullscreen button to read the book in full-screen mode https://scholar.uoa.gr/sites/default/files/magiatis/files/magiatis_presentation_geneva_2009_website.pdf

Chemistry and health of olive oil phenolics

Abstract The Mediterranean diet is associated with a lower incidence of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of...

Effect of storage conditions on virgin olive oil quality

Effect of storage conditions on virgin olive oil quality In: Israel Journal of Plant Sciences Authors: Radi Aly 1 and Uzi Ravid 2 View More Online...